Biodiversity denotes all the varieties of plants and animals’ life in a particular habitat, a high level of which is usually considered to be very important and desirable. Biodiversity sustains human livelihood and life itself. An estimated 45 per cent of the global economy is based on biological products and processes. As the biodiversity harbours a great amount of diversity with respect to species diversity, crop diversity etc. which provide a rich amount of a well evolved system over time background support for rich resources. Biodiversity contributes to soil protection, nutrient cycling, pollination, flood control and genetic resources. Studies have reported the roles of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem and strengthening their resilience in responding to anthropogenic change. Biodiversity in agricultural ecosystem is important for the productivity of farmer livelihoods. In Anka Local Government Area of Zamfara state, in recent years, intervention of human activities has been very much noticed. Mining is on the increase for the last few decades in the area, covering huge belt of land, and eventually also harming the forest cover and the population of human beings especially children. Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) was carried out on the effects on the mining site, plan or programme on the environment. This paper attempts to reveal the baseline environmental quality and socio-economic setting in and around such mining sites with special reference to the effects on the biodiversity, air, water, changes on land use pattern and occupational health effects of mine workers, among other things.
Keywords: Biodiversity, EIA, Fauna, Floral, Mining